Thursday, December 10, 2009

I dream Of Caesar.

Blood Began Pouring From The Walls ...

Cal- Caesar! Caesar! I must tell you of my frightful dream!

Cae- Do tell my love Calpurnia.

Cal- Well you see Caesar, it started off as a normal dream. I just finished making you breakfast and we were going to eat out side. I made you eggs and bacon. when we got out side we realized it was to windy to eat out there so we turned around to go back in the house. But when we turned around there was a huge stone in the way of the door. You tried to push it out of the was but it was no use. So instead we went around our house to the front door. When we went around your dear friend Brutus was standing there holding a glass of blood. As we got closer he began to smile and hold the glass of blood in front of you. You asked what the the blood was for and who's it was. Brutus simply replied it yours my Caesar. I need you blood. We kept walking like nothing happened even though i wanted to scream and shout at you! But my lips were like stone. As we walked into the house everything turned black as we walked by it.Our white walls turned faded black. It was like everything was clean and then in a flash it went dirty.

Cae- Oh Clapurnia! You shall not worry. Dreams are mere foolishness.

Cal- I'm not done Caesar! After that we sat down at the table. Blood then began poring out of the walls! And it got deeper and deeper and soon enough it was up to our necks! You didn't even realize it! Its like something bad was going to happen but you couldn't see it! Then i a woke. Damp with my own sweat.

Cae- Well, maybe this is something to worry about. How about i hire more guards my love?

Cal- That sounds like a good plan.

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